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Custom Search

Where can I find a site reviewing all brands fairly?

I've been searching for quite a while. Every other site I've looked at, whether spun medical or erotic, seems sponsored by a particular company promoting it's own range. A couple mention a height/ massager size ratio (rhinos and High Valley ). Brought one, lifejoy, and it's arms are too soft for described function. Don't want to waste any more money. Want one primarily for medical benifits but have no objection to pleasure. Suffer occasional piles, so assume ribs on massager are a bad idea, which some sites say can be prevented with prostate massage, and lower back pain ( has been investigated with little result ) . The primary motive for wanting to try prostate massage is to deal with the back pain. I have no sexual or prostate problems as yet but the back has enforced a lot of sitting and taken out yoga ( my mainstay of health ) so perhaps a preventative for future prostate problems may be wise anyway. I'm in my mid fifties, am five foot,eleven and can't afford the expensive models. Advice requested; the advertisers seem to have covered every logical search phrase so I'm unable to find unbiased advise. Help.


Ron here...

Have you had a doctor do a prostate exam? ie. a digital rectal exam? The reason being to check if your prostate condition is OK. Lower back pain can be a symptom of a prostate problem.

As to your question of which prostate massager would work for you, the answer depends on your goal. It seems that prostate health is it so the sonic massager is more of a medical device than a sexual prostate massager. But first I would check the idea with your doctor.

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