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What are the benefits of prostate "milking"?

by Sid (Sydney)
(New York, NY)

Is prostate milking advised as a remedy to congestion of the prostate?

What are the best devices for prostate milking?

Is it advised to have sex after prostate milking or massage?

How often can prostate milking be done?

Are there any illustrated guides for self-prostate milking?


Ron here...

Great questions!

Is prostate milking advised as a remedy to congestion of the prostate?
That was why it used to be done by doctors up until the 50s-60s last century.

What are the best devices for prostate milking?

You can see them on my massage pages. The sonic one is fast and easy. The other one takes a longer time to do but can be a good addition if you want to combine it with sexual stimulation

Is it advised to have sex after prostate milking or massage?

That's up to you. Sex is good for the prostate as it moves fluids through and out.

How often can prostate milking be done?

One or two times per week works for most men. But this is where your doctor can advise more. To me the most important indicator is how you feel. Tune into your inner knowing to know what is best for you.

Are there any illustrated guides for self-prostate milking?

There must be but my Prostate Massage Manual is really all you need as it describes exactly how to do it better than anywhere else I have seen, including important tips on easy insertion.

Remember that not all men will secrete prostate milk when doing a massage. That does not mean it is not effective. Sometimes only a drop or 2 will come out. It also has to do with the health condition of the prostate with an enlarged prostate limiting the amount of secretion.

My diet books include important advice for prostate health and what I believe is such a useful way of helping you know whether any food, supplement or activity like prostate massage is good for you.

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Dec 09, 2016
Bowel movement and milking
by: Wtc101

For many years I have had difficult bowel movements due to large and hard stools. I noticed that with each movement a significant amount of prostate milk drips from my penis. Sometimes a few drops other times more (usually following a sexual event not involving an orgasm). I suspect the large stool rubs pressure on the prostate. Is this common?


Sure, this can happen... Yes I would agree with your assessment.

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