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UroLift BPH Procedure

by Michael C

What is your opinion of the new prostate procedure...UroLift?
Thank you,
Michael C


Ron here...

Hard for me to answer as I have not had it and cannot therefor give a direct opinion.

I would read-up on other men who have done it.

Most urologists down-play future side-effects 3 months to 3 years out. If there were no side- effects then why not?

That's why I have not done any and actually regret doing the PAE as it reduces the necessary blood flow to the prostate.

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Mar 05, 2018

by: Ronald M

Please read more about diet in one of my books and learn how to test for bio-compatibility of all your food inputs. I t can change daily with foods being OK for a while turning to harmful after, and later maybe being OK again.

Jan 31, 2018
Raw food
by: Jim

I have had prostate problems for many years the only thing that actually has helped me is a combination of doxazosin and Cialis daily. But lately I have been trying eating nothing but raw foods and it works buy all Whole Foods and try to eat no meat or very little

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