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Sex and relief of prostate pain

My husband claims that having sex relieves the burning associated with his enlarged prostate.

Is this true?


Ron here...

In general sex is good for the prostate as it moves fluids out and stimulates blood flow throughout the prostate gland.

If he says sex feels good and relieves his pain then I would be happy for him!

If he has burning sensations while urinating then that is usually a symptom of an enlarged prostate.

Best for him (and you) to start making changes to your diet so as to allow the symptoms to diminish over time.

There is a lot to learn about diet so go I would suggest getting one of my books:

Go to my Books.

Let me know how it goes!

Comments for Sex and relief of prostate pain

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Mar 17, 2014
Good to know
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the reply....he left for a business trip and took 3 Cialis and 2 Levitra with if we don't have sex for 3 or so days it becomes painful to urinate so he needs relief, via "help from videos". Hence my question! After 30 years of marriage, and trying to hide the fact that he took them raised questions.

But thanks again, he might not be totally in the dog house, but with them in the couch!

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