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by Angel
(San Diego, CA.)

Dear Mr. Ronald Bazar, where can I find information about post prostatectomy health care.
I had my prostate removed in early 2009 and there's not a lot info. regarding this topic, my PSA is going up after prostate removal.

Does your book(s) applied to health issue.

Best Regards

Mr. Angel Moreno


Ron here,

I would certainly optimize your diet so as to prevent any re-occurence of cancer. Diet is everything in the broad sense of the word... all your inputs from food, water, bodycare, mind care — all impact your health.

Yes I would recommend my Prostate Cancer Prevention Diet book for that purpose.

Many things can cause a rise in PSA. I would focus on doing the things that improve your health. The PSA test has been proven to be a poor indicator by the inventor although many doctors still use it because it justifies intervention via biopsies and then often surgeries.

You have a choice to embrace your health or let your doctor decide for you. Every man must decide for himself.

I chose to create the conditions in my body that improved my health rather than surgery.

All the best in this next stage in your life. Learn all you can, deal with any emotional issues in your life. You can use the Tapping Solution for this and improve all aspects of your diet.

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