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by Mary

How does surgically removal of the prostate gland effect a man's ability to have intercourse?


Ron here...

Surgery can easily impact the prostate erection nerves adjacent to the prostate gland. The skill of the surgeon can be a key factor.

Part of a man's ejaculate is produced in the prostate and this will no longer be there.

This is not a topic that men talk freely about. It's hard for a man if he can't get hard!

Every man is unique and will respond to surgical removal of the prostate differently.

Many do regain some ability to have erections after surgery but some do not. But good sex may still be possible without intercourse.

If it is prostate cancer that is the cause of possible removal of the prostate, then if you can afford it, the 3D Prostate Clinic is helping men with curing their prostate cancer. I have seen the results myself here where I am writing right now.

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