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Prostate Ring

Super Conductive Metallic Ion Prostate Ring

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition commonly present in men. It is a prostate problem, which result in weak urine flow and could end up in kidney failure or prostate disease. 

Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer:
- weak pressure  (arus kencing yg perlahan)
- wet experience (basah selepas kencing)
- uncontrollable (tidak dapat Kawal)
- frequent urination (kerap kencing)
- unable to urine (rasa nak kencing tetapi tiada)

- Promote blood circulation (melancarkan peredaran darah)
- Prevention of prostate problems (pencegahan prostate masalah)
- Prevent and ease BPH 
- Improve urinary system (melancarkan arus kencing)
- Improve health 

The product specialty:
It contain silver and copper in the fibre to promote blood circulation that will assist in the above situation.

Hope this will help many men to ease their prostate problem. At the moment we have got the patent right for Malaysia and Singapore country.

For more information or purchase please email to

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Jul 25, 2013
How does it work?
by: Anonymous

Pls post more details such as how it works, how much it is, and how to order it.

Are there any proof that it works?

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