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Prostate Orgasm

Please describe the orgasm of the prostate. Is it wet or dry, what is meant by dry orgasm?


Ron here...

Prostate orgasm usually refers to an orgasm that occurs with ejaculation while the prostate is massaged.

Prostate orgasm is sometimes refers to the release of prostate fluids with a non erect penis from prostate massage. This does not have orgasmic contractions and is often referred to as prostate milking or prostate milk.

Some men do not release any visible prostate fluids from a prostate massage while others do.

A dry orgasm occurs when one has control of orgasm such that ejaculation does not happen and the energy of the orgasm is used to push it upwards. To learn more please read the classic book:
Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy

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Jul 20, 2015
prostate orgasm NEW
by: Anonymous

I regularly use one of the aneros massagers mentioned on this site.I do this about every 10 days.It always feels very pleasurable and over half of the time will end with a "prostate orgasm",with no ejaculation.I begin dripping prostate fluid soon after I begin the massage which I believe causes the pleasurable feeling.If you ever have one you will know for they are very intense usually lasting for minutes.They are full body and produce the same excitement I felt as a young boy experiencing my first orgasm.

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