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prostate biopsy and prophylactic antibiotics

by bearsdaughter

Hi-been looking for comprehensive answers to several questions..

1)even though pre procedure antibiotics of varying type and duration seem to be given,it seems many men still go on to develop infections. What do you consider to be the most likely reason?

2) if emerging antibiotic resistance is one of them,why are rectal swabs prior to procedure not done as standard?

3)is there an agreed timescale for antibiotic administration BEFORE procedure to ensure best coverage,and if not,why not?

4)if there is (given pharmacokinetic properties of certain antibiotics-for instance ciprofloxacin oral),what would justify giving these just a minute or two before procedure,with several more to take home?

5)am I right or wrong when assuming that insufficient time allowed for antibiotics to reach maximum concentration in bloodstream will put men in greater danger of infection?


Ron here...

These are questions for a trained medical doctoras I am not qualified to answer them.

I can say that oral antibiotics often do not work with prostatitis because they cannot penetrate deep enough inside the prostate gland... and so the condition worsens over time or just does not get better.

To understand more about this, go to the 3DProstate Clinic link and read more.

Comments for prostate biopsy and prophylactic antibiotics

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Nov 10, 2017
Biopsy and antibiotics
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am not an M.D. but I have had multiple biopsies and focal laser ablation. If I had to have another biopsy, I would definitely have a swab culture evaluated and based on the results get an Rx for the appropriate antibiotic to start 2-3 days before the procedure.

Based on my experience, it seems that Cipro is the default antibiotic for urinary and prostate. Be sure you understand the possible side effects of Cipro, especially if you are a runner.

Nov 10, 2017
any professional input?
by: Anonymous

any medical professionals, biochemists or microbiologists on here who might like to comment? :)

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