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by Craig Della Vedova
(Boynton Beach Fl)

Hi, I am a 67 year old male and have started having some health problems. This one is PEEING! I went to the Dr. and he perscribed the drug "Flow Max" or it's real name "TAMSULOSIN". It says on the bottle to take every day. I did for a week or so but when everything seamed correct I stopped. I hat taking any drugs and that was the only one I was taking so I thought it was ok. Now I have to pee at lease 20 times a day and it is a crazy feeling because I get that feeling I got to go and I mean right now and I only get dribbles ! and that's why I have to go the 20 times. I started to read about the side effects of the Flow Max and wow that is a bad drug ! I'm a very happly married man and I Love making love to my wife on a regular basis and read now that if I keep taking this bad drug that I will not be able to make love to my wife soon. It still works as of now, I guess I stopped in time but is there any drug that will let me pee and protect me from loosing my sexual function ??????? I read the side effects of that drug and found that I had like 4 of them like dizzy when standing up, Stuffy Runny nose, a change in my voice ! Please get back to me when you can with any idea as to what to do about this and a BIG THANK YOU for what you are doing for us guys suffering with this problem !

Craig D.V


Ron here...

Try natural prostate supplements as an alternative.

Every man responds differently to them, so you will have to experiment to see which ones can help.

Increase zinc, magnesium and Vitamin D and A as well.

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