by Bruce
(Sydney, Australia)
I was operated on with open surgery as my prostate had enlarged. A week before the operation my bladder was emptied, it contained 3 litres of fluid. Other than scar tissue which was subsequently removed with another operation I now do not have any issues with urinating. The urologist removed 309 cc of prostate membrane. My problem is that my sex life is so diminished that I wonder if it will ever get better. Almost all feeling has gone and I only ever have a half erection without any great hardness. Viagra etc does not seem to work..
Is there any hope for me?
Ron here...
These are questions for your urologist.
No fun the side effects of prostate surgery.
However, it may be possible over time to recover some function by doing kegel squeezes. It could take months to a year. Do 20 second squeezes followed by 10 second rest. Do 10 in total. This is one set. Do 5 sets per day with a minimum of an hour between sets.
Such an enlarged prostate constantly stimulated the prostate erection nerves, and now that your prostate is so much smaller, your nerves have to recover normal function. Give it time. Be diligent and hopeful. If you8 have a partner then focus on giving pleasure and that can be its own reward. Explore other levels of intimacy. This is unfortunate but not the end of the world. Keep a positive attitude and find ways to enjoy intimacy without erections for now.