by Claude Armstrong
(Washinton State, USA)
With my prostate responding to Dr. jennifer Daniels' ages'proven turpentine protocol, releasing my urine four days after I started her erradication of gut candida, which a lab analysis indicated I had a massive amount of(Causes organ inflammation and many gut diseases), in late January, 2017, for 11 months it seemed my prostate just might return to normal function.
At the end of the next December the blocking returned with a revenge! The pains grew; frequenct of urine overpowering urgency to pee increased. So I buckled down for the lifelong haul wearing a suprapubic catheter through my abdomen.
In the first three years catheter use I learned that the internal buildup of bacteria and virus crust was always going to be the reason for routine replacement.
Not wanting to go this spendy route, I began searching and experimenting with hydrogen peroxide soaking the tube, but even a small amount in my bladder caused much pain. Then I read about iodine destroying all pathogens.
Looking for organic iodine, on Amazon I found a gallon jug of topical use 2% dilute iodine. Soaking the catheter daily by filling it by an equal volume from a second catheter to avoid any in my bladder, that silicone catheter had zero buildup for a year before the anchor ballon failed and the catheter slid out one day.
With daily iodine soaking, the replacement catheter remained clear, and became saturated with iodine. I quit the daily soaking for a month to check for any return of the crustation.
No crust at all! It's been 4 months since the daily iodine soaking dtopped. No sign of the crusting return.
I read what Dr. Mark Sircus discovered about lack of iodine and diseases that causes. Also that all pathogenic microbes are killed on contact.
I take 10 - 15 times the RDA of iodine in kelp tablets. Soak my mouth routinly with hydrogen peroxide, and take daily doses of Mimi's Miracle Minerals, a fulmate acid 70+ natural balance ancient earth mineral percolate, and keep numerous nutrients intake to counter declining absorbtion due to aging.
In all, my vitality seems good.
The iodine has kept my abdomen stoma wound infection-free as well. In place of the usual leg bag urine holder, I utilize my bladder by a catheter valve on the end of the catheter. It also requires routine iodine soak to keep the crutation at bay. Bard makes a fairly good one. There is another model as well on Amazon.
Hope this helps.