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my Bfs Pop had a mild stroke the other day. I noticed a couple nights before, that he was getting up ALOT to urinate.

by Melissa
(Jersey Shore, NJ)

The Doctors & Nurses said they are putting his prostate issue on the back burner because it's not a serious issue. I have asked them numerous times if they could run a test on his prostate, just to see why he goes soo frequently, but I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall.
I figured I'd scour the internet - and thankfully, it has led me to you. So finally, here's my question :

What could be making him go soo much? He says it doesn't hurt, but it comes out slow, and he still has the " I have to go" feeling. Thank You soo much for your time & any advice!


Ron here... sounds like an enlarged prostate issue or an infection. Any alternative ideas would require a learning curve of looking at diet and lifestyle issues that can cause the problem... and then time is needed to allow healing to take place. And even then it may not get back to normal.

But often there are triggers of something eaten that can trigger an allergic-like reaction in the prostate.

Time for him to read all he can on this site and perhaps get one of my books for even more ideas.

Hope this helps a bit.

Comments for my Bfs Pop had a mild stroke the other day. I noticed a couple nights before, that he was getting up ALOT to urinate.

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May 22, 2016
enlarged prostrate and stroke
by: Anonymous

My father is recovering from a mild stroke. The doctors believe the stroke was due, in part, to a drop in blood pressure caused by the iteraction of two of the three prescriptions he was on for an enlarged prostrate. Those three prescriptions were flomax, dosazosin, and finasteride. I have read about interactions and learned that flomax taken along with doxazosin can indeed cause a marked decrease in blood pressure. His urologist had prescribed the flomax and finasteride (which don't show as having interactions), but his family doctor had prescribed the doxazosin. It was determined that daddy has a vessel to the back of his brain that is narrowed. When his blood pressure would plummet, there was not enough pressure to push the blood through this narrowed vessel to his brain. Thus, a stroke occurred. (He also takes metoprolol for high blood pressure). He was taken off the doxazosin and flomax and has shown improvement over the last few weeks, until last night. He had to be transported to the hospital to have his catheter removed and reinserted (the nurses at the rahabilitation facility were not successful at reinserting it). Praying a solution is found that will treat BPH and not cause another stroke.


Ron here...

The only non-surgical solution that I know of to treat an enlarged prostrate is this clinic:


May 22, 2016
enlarged prostrate and stroke
by: Anonymous

My father is recovering from a mild stroke. The doctors believe the stroke was due, in part, to a drop in blood pressure caused by the iteraction of two of the three prescriptions he was on for an enlarged prostrate. Those three prescriptions were flomax, dosazosin, and finasteride. I have read about interactions and learned that flomax taken along with doxazosin can indeed cause a marked decrease in blood pressure. His urologist had prescribed the flomax and finasteride (which don't show as having interactions), but his family doctor had prescribed the doxazosin. It was determined that daddy has a vessel to the back of his brain that is narrowed. When his blood pressure would plummet, there was not enough pressure to push the blood through this narrowed vessel to his brain. Thus, a stroke occurred. (He also takes metoprolol for high blood pressure). He was taken off the doxazosin and flomax and has shown improvement over the last few weeks, until last night. He had to be transported to the hospital to have his catheter removed and reinserted (the nurses at the rahabilitation facility were not successful at reinserting it). Praying a solution is found that will treat BPH and not cause another stroke.

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