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Low volume of semen

by shyam
(Nagpur, Maharashtara, India)


I am suffering from low volume of semen. A very very few semen is ejaculated at the time of sex that too it is not shooting it is just oozes out. Also, i am suffering from ED. More over I am operated for varicocele. Is it any connection of above symptoms with prostate or varicocele, and if at all it is related how to overcome such problem.


Ron here,

These are complex medical questions for which I am not competent to answer.

There is a clinic in China that could answer them or help but it is quite expensive:

Comments for Low volume of semen

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Mar 17, 2016
Low serum
by: Louie

Check your prostate meds over a period of time

some of them will start making you shoot blanks

as the serum will retro into your gland and will

come out when you pee.That is how the doc

explained it to me side effect of alpha 5 blockers.

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