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Large prostate and 3D


I have an enlarged prostate and recently had a 3T mri. There was no detectable cancer which I am very grateful for, however my prostate size was quite large, 230 cc, which I see from your previous posts is about the size that yours was when you went to see Dr. Song.

I have, and am, considering going to the 3D clinic. You seem to swear by Dr Song and mention that he wasn't able to reduce the size of your prostate due to your previous PAE procedure and resultant inability to discharge detritus from your prostate. But honestly, how do you know that? That seems to be just conjecture on his part or he it just be a convenient excuse as to why your treatment results were not significant. There doesn't seem to be any way to verify that was the reason other than your personal trust in the man.

Are you aware of other men with similarly large prostates that were able to reduce them substantially in size at the 3D clinic? Honestly, I recently contacted someone who had a video posted on the 3D website at the time of his visit and he was very optimistic about the prospects while there. However, once he returned home, his prostate began to enlarge again. (And I don't know that his prostate was particularly large).

Most of the videos on the 3D website seem to have been recorded while the patient was at the clinic and rather excited about the prospects of the treatment. They are often reading prepared statements. However, the actual ongoing results post-treatment are rather unclear.

I also spoke with someone who has gone to the clinic for treatment and while he speaks very highly of it, he has gone multiple times and as far as I know still had not had a resolution to his issue. The Western medical system can be severely narrow in it's approaches to treatment and lead one to have hope when one finds someone who actually listens. However, that is not the same as cure.

You also mentioned somewhere that Dr. Song has been working to address issues such as the prostate pressing into the bladder neck which have thus far been difficult for him to address. Given all of the variables involved with enlarged prostates including those that I just mentioned: your situation, the person who's prostate size reverted after returning home, and enlargement impinging upon the bladder neck; it seems that a 90+% cure rate might be somewhat of a leap. At least if the definition of "cure" includes the continued absence of symptoms after leaving the clinic.

I have no doubt that Dr. Song is a very dedicated practitioner. However, I am somewhat skeptical of the high "success rate" quoted as well as potential hype, as exists in many professions, and may be particularly necessary for a private clinic to succeed within the mainland Chinese culture, where private clinics are suspect and not the norm.

Given your limited results at the clinic as well as the difficulty addressing issues such as impingement into the bladder neck, do you have specific examples of successes in men with very large prostates, or other information or patient contact info that might help to allay my concerns. I'd like to think that Dr. Song could be of significant assistance to me and remain somewhat skeptical and hesitant to spend $12,000+ to find that out.


Ron here...

I believe he is no longer taking very enlarged prostate patients largely because of his inability to reach far enough into such huge prostates (11 times normal in your case).

You could write him about your condition. You could also go there for an examination and decide after whether you want to get treatment if he thinks he can help.

Yes it would be ideal for follow-up with patients to see how they have done 3-6 months to a year later.

I can only suggest that you contact more patients to see how they are doing. You can ask the clinic for recent patients to contact.

I will say this to conclude: I have seen remarkable results with patients while there including prostate cancer. The patients had MRIs done there before and after with proof of the change for the better.

Best of luck to you whatevewr you shall decide. Such an enlarged prostate is no fun.

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