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Is it safe to go in the steam room with an enlarged prostrate

by Sean
(Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand )

I'm absolutely convinced that I have an enlarged prostrate. I have several of the symptoms particularly frequent urination which seems to be getting worse. I'm going to book an appointment at the hospital for next week. I've just had some blood tests for PSA and FBS, HDL cholesterol,LDL cholesterol and sodium. The PSA was very good 2.01 the FBS 101 HDL 65, LDL 137 and sodium was normal too. I know the LDL is a little high but not a major concern. Since these symptoms started about 4 weeks ago I've changed my diet to eating fish nearly every day and didn't drink any alcohol for 10 days because I was on a course of antibiotics. I think it's important to mention too that I quit smoking weed with tobacco at the same time which I have been a habitual user for the last 43 years, I am 61. I am back having a couple of pints of lager a night which I don't see as a rel problem but they can be illuminated if necessary. I want to deal with this problem the best way I can I've been taking saunas and going in the steam room a lot can you please tell me if they are safe and any other tips would be very welcome.


Ron here...

I would cut the beer for now as the estrogen in it can worsen BPH.

The quality of your diet is crucial... so time to really get educated on that. You can study what's in this site and get one of my diet books.

Fish is good, but you must make wise choices around the type of fish. Wild caught salmon, sardines, mackerel are best.

Your diet includes all your inputs so make sure you clean up your act there. Saunas are fine, just don't get over-tired from them. Everything in moderation.

Comments for Is it safe to go in the steam room with an enlarged prostrate

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Nov 11, 2017
Swollen prostate
by: Anonymous

Agree with the comments from Ron. Don't eat fish every day. Even the wild caught fish may contain some amount of mercury. Definitely don't eat Atlantic or farm-raised salmon.

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