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Iodine vs. Alcohol for Catheters

by John Doe

Cannot help but noticed the incorrect information you have posted on your website:

First, alcohol should never be used as a disinfectant for catheter procedures. This is for two reasons: First, contrary to popular belief, isopropyl alcohol takes anywhere from 15 to 45 min. to function as a antimicrobial agent. Secondly, alcohol will irritate the mucous membranes and will sting like all hell. The best way to accomplish good sterile procedure with this is to wear gloves, disinfect the external urethra with povidone iodine, and to use a new, sterile catheter with each and every procedure.


Ron here...

Thanks for the suggestion. I have never had a problem with alcohol and it is what the hospital used. But yes iodine is an excellent choice.

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Mar 09, 2016
N.D Just Prescribed Sea Kelp Iodine For Internal Antimicrobial
by: ClaudeA

This share is fascinating to me on at least two levels. First, as a natural nutrition and therefore excellent internal health advocate(Yep, I slipped up without knowing sunflower seed oil is highly inflammatory, and now considered to be a major contributor of malignant cell mutation), this bit about using iodine for catheter sanitation fits with my own recent experience with the months' long wearing a 30CC, 20F irrigation, 3-section catheter that hurt like HELL! passing through my poor prostate.

The internal biosphere of my body needs to be life-friendly to beneficial microbes, and absolutely lethal toxic to any and all pathogens, including those microbes which catheters are famous for providing incubator services for. Therefore, after slacking back from the high doses of Grapefruit Seed Extract, an anti-microbial tincture of Collinsonia, Hydrastis, and Arctostaphyios roots' extracts, olive leaf extract, cloves, cinnamon, fresh ginger and blood vessel nutrients only to have ny catheter fill with deposits formed by bacteria and shut off urine flow I asked my N.D. what he might offer in addition to the regimen I already had.

His short prescription "Iodine - seaweed daily or Lugol's Iodine - start 1 drop/day."

For anyone in the Puget Sound of Washington State, I highly recommend

Jeff is focused on the source of our health, our digestion system. He is compatible with and works with Dr. Jonathan Wright, M.D. whose natural nutrition focus is world renowned. Dr. Jeff is a graduate of Bastyr University. He mainly prescribes natural compounds from that institution's pharmacy.

For my urine system issues Jeff recommended my referring to a urologists, but the big pharma urologist the ER I went to that placed the catheter refuses to work with any N.D., so I did not want to ask him. With a short search I was amazed to discover a N.D. urologist who teaches at Bastyr! (I'm sure Dr. Jeff is aware of him, but he is a very low key, unassuming gentleman, and gave me the whole world to discover my own urologist!:-)

All in all, Ronald, you are bringing to our world one of the best men's urology fact source anywhere. No amount of thanks is enough, dear friend.

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