Hello....I am 63 but slim and active and eat healthily.
From mid 50's had higher than 4 psa readings and since have varied from 4 to 7.4 (Highest in last blood test) with %FPSAs from 16 (now) to 21%.
Against my instincts 4 years ago I had a biopsy and was negative but now at the urology clinic they want to do more biopsies and do not give other advice except to say maybe a scan! I have been taking what seems to be an ineffective natural prostate supplement called PROSTANOL from Vitalmax with high Saw Palmetto but low dose of Beta Sis. so seems to be useless!
I want to change to a better natural prostate supplement that will work as seems I have maybe a 20% chance of having cancer! Any advice would be appreciated and also as you read so many conflicting best and effective essential ingredients to a better prostate health the best supplement!? Super Beta Prostate seems to be good but put off by the sales pitches and hype!
Thks in advance....David in Prague
Ron here.
Thanks for writing. Your doc is doing what they all do... test via a biopsy to see what's up. Many reasons exist for a higher PSA result that has nothing to do with cancer. We all have cancer cells in our body. The key is to ensure we are doing everything to enhance our health and not give the cancer a chance to grow.
No magic supplement exists in my experience. If you have not as yet read fully everything on this site or in my book, I answer your questions fully.
There is a lot to learn but my bottom line is forget about the tests and make your body healthy. Understand what cancer is and you will know that your job is to optimize your diet.
Supplements for the prostate are a far second to that! Most men need a lot of education around what is considered a healthy diet. I suggest you learn lots more too and then you can stash away the cancer fears.
The world is going crazy, cutting off gorgeous breasts like in Angolina Jolie, "just in case"! What insanity.
You might as well have them cut out your prostate just in case and while they are at it your testicles so you have no chance of getting testicular cancer!
She should have changed her diet and lifestyle to make her gene dormant instead of choosing butchery!
Best to you,