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I do not have any type of prostate massage orgasm.

I have been using a helix to massage my prostate for a good number of months now. One of the side benefits is that a man can have a very intense orgasm. However I have not had this happen once. So my question is why? Could it be that just as not all people are ticklish so not all men will have a prostate orgasm? So got any thoughts that might help it happen for me?


Ron here:
If you can have a regular orgasm without doing a prostate massage, then for sure you can have an orgasm when you do a prostate massage with added sexual stimulation.

If you do not add sexual stimulation, then a prostate massage may release some fluids but of course without an orgasm.

Some men will not excrete any prostate milk when they massage. This may be a result of a prostate condition.

So orgasm is a function of sexual stimulation to get all your sexual organs charged. Then when combined with prostate massage, you get an added bonus.

Remember, that optimum prostate health requires way more than massage. Diet is the key.

Read one of my books for much more info.

Hope this helps.

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