How are you doing now?
by Clark
(Topeka, KS)
It's been a while since you were at Dr. Song's clinic in China. How are you doing now? Did you start eliminating any of the crystallization from your prostate? Have you reduced your nighttime visits to the bathroom? Have you had to use a catheter?
Hi Clark,
I am in China now for a follow up visit as Dr Song thought I may need because of the huge size of my prostate...
1. No catheter for 10 months
2. Both current MRI and prostate fluid examination show all infection and pathogens gone from my prostate.
3. Size has shrunk from 220 grams to 160gm by MRI
4. Now Dr Song is using shrinking medicine that is rapidly doing its job. The process does make you urinate a lot temporarily as he is administering high doses of extracted pharmaceutical grade traditional Chinese medicines with no other side effects. But this will subside as the day goes by.
5. He is very confident that I will be able to reduce the size very significantly while here and after I return home. It has already reduced much since the MRI 10 days ago. He can tell by the feel of the prostate.
6. It doesn't appear that I have much calcification so I am not discharging particles. Instead the cellular hyperplasia is being reduced by those injections.
7. We are both thrilled with the amazing progress that is happening. I have been a big challenge to his clinic because my prostate was way bigger than any he has treated before.
Conclusion: if you want a treatment that deals with the causes of your condition, reverses them, and has no negative side effects, then this is the best in the world. No other treatment offered by conventional medicine can do this.
Yes you could get robotic laser surgery etc. and may get some relief with the risks of side effects, but this is not a cure.
A cure reverses and eradicates the causes. When you see the slides of the infections and pathogens gone from your prostate, then you can have true hope that your healing will happen.
And it is for me.
I hope this helps you make a decision.
Yes it is expensive.
Yes you have to come to China.
Yes you have to stay here for weeks at a time that can be broken up into 2 visits if you want.
Yes you have to have treatments 6 days a week that last a few minutes and are somewhat uncomfortable but not a big deal.
But this is truly the only method that I know of that can actually CURE your prostate.
Happy is I at finding this prostate master.
Will report more in future. I am here another 3 weeks.