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Green light Laser

by Hennie Olivier
(Gold Coast, Qld, Australia)

I am 62 and have had 2 Green light laser procedures 2010 and 2012 for BPH. I often suffer from prostitaitis and now also bladder spasms. Life is hell. I am now trying raw food vegan diet, this is third week, no positive effect yet. Anyone with comments on this? I have been with 2 Urologists and Nefrologist. Mostly waste of time and money. Wish I could turn back the clock.


Ron here: all I can suggest is that you read my book which has a lot of info on diet and testing foods to see which work for you and which don't. Stopping the irritants is the first step. Raw food diets have many irritants in it.

Natural healing also does take time, patience and diligence to optimize your inputs.

How much damage the laser treatments have done is an unknown. But you can do lots to improve your health. Please get the book.


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