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examination question.

by Steven

I had the examination yesterday - When the doc.started the procedure there was something blocking the instrument - the doc pushed harder and eventually the instrument got through. The Doc said my Prostrate didn't look that much enlarged and that maybe the Blockage that he had when he entered my penis was the reason for my problem- Have you ever heard of this issue before - The Doc said if I start to pee more normal now - that this blockage may have been the problem and not my prostrate. He wants to see me in 3 weeks to discuss.The Doc didn't identify what the blockage was - ( Skin ? Growth ) But he did say he may have to repeat the procedure months from now to cut or clean this blockage .

Need some info if you have any about this procedure.

I really don't want to go through this again unless I have an IV.


Ron here...

I haven't heard about this problem so do research to find out what you can. See if he is right about the part that things get better. You could then get a second opinion from another doctor.

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