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Changes to my diet have helped

by Rolland

I have found that I have to avoid carrageenan, and all gum food additives such as Guar Gum, Locust Bean Gum, Gum Arabic, Xanthan Gum, Gellan Gum, Ester Gum, etc. I now avoid all gums and my urinary retention and poor urinary flow have greatly improved. These gums/fillers/emulsifiers are in so many different food products it's scary.

They are used by the food industry to cut back on expensive ingredients and to replace them with cheap substitutes. Take a look at ice cream or even sour cream as examples. Ester Gum is in some beverages and is terrible for my prostate. If I drink anything with Ester Gum my nocturia flares up like mad almost overnight.


Ron here...

Good for you to discover the crucial importance of diet to your prostate. And thanks for sharing.

Modern food is convenient, tempting, and often addictive with their unnecessary ingredients/additives.

There is not shortcut to good health. Learning, making better choices, and putting the highest quality foods into your body seem to me to be a logical lifestyle.

Eating the best foods, properly prepared is always my number one priority. I am not fanatic about it as I occasionally eat out (but even then try to make good decisions), or at friends and family. But 90% or more is a 9-10 on the scale of optimum.

For those who are knew to all this, time to read my diet books.

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