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Catheter Insertion Problems Part 2

by George Cole
(Burien, Wa, USA)

Hi Ron
Your tips were very helpful I have had the most success ever with my cathing. However I do find one consistent problem.

When I have my last session before going to bed I have much more difficulty. Basically I meet resistance, go slowly and follow your steps. But when I do get in, nothing comes out.
I pull out the catheter and there is blood in the end.

I posted similar thoughts on the comments but maybe I did something incorrectly.

Lastly, I am happy to say that I bought a few of your books.

George cole


Ron here...

At nighttime, our circulation slows way down, thus making congestion more probable.

Blood clots can also form making getting through the bladder neck somewhat difficult.

You must see a urologist at some point soon to see what your options are.

Or if you can afford it then write the 3D Prostate Clinic and explain your condition. Dr. Song is in my opinion the very best urologist out there.

Good luck to you. It's not easy when we suffer so.

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