by jyoti Tekchandani
My father is 79 yrs and has prostrate size 118 gms. He is taking Urimax D since 2 months now. Burning after urination persists. Please suggest how to handle this. Thanks Jyoti
Ron here...
Best if you read much more on this site and one of my books as the subject is too large to answer in a few qucik notes.
He could easily be reacting to the drug:
read more here:
Urimax D
And you could test that by reading my page here:
Personal Testing
You may be able to improve his diet by stopping foods and supplements that trigger reactions in the prostate.
That is a large size prostate. If those don't work then this is the only non-invasive way to cure the problem at this best prostate clinic in the world:
3D Prostate Clinic