by Carlos Rosa
(United Kingdom)
I have read this article and it's the best explanation I ever found on internet.
I have BPH and a 5.9 PSA level. I am on tantrum in 4 mg.
Currently I produce very little semen and it's all watery and clear. I had several urine infection in the past and got antibiotics to treat the infections. I experience watery semen after the treatment but after a month or so my semen becomes normal. After I had like 6 infections and treatment my semen remained watery and never recuperate. I am not sure if this because of the BPH.
I am having a Urolift procedure soon.
Will this help resolving my watery semen?
Are there any treatment for this.?
I had these watery symptoms long before I was taking tamsulusin so the medication may not be the cause?
Thanks for your help
Carlos Rosa
Ron here...
I am not a doctor so can't begin to answer this question. There are so many factors that play a part. It could be infections in the epididymis,seminal vesicles, and in the prostate itself.
The only urologist I know who could find the causes is Dr Song at the 3DProstateClinic in China. Go to the site and read up on the information there, and then you could write them if you so choose.
You can find links on this page.
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